Thursday, June 21, 2012

It's HOT. Stay hydrated

At Nspiregreen we drink bottled water. *gasp*.  That's right. We drink bottled water.  We fill our reusable water bottles with tap water.  Bottled water. Ta-da!

Not only does bottling tap water make economic sense, but it's also better for the environment.  Stay hydrated everyone!

Presented by Online Education
The Facts About Bottled Water

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Help Nspiregreen win a $250,000 grant!

Nspiregreen is entering the Chase and Living Social Mission: Small Business Competition for a chance to win a $250,000 grant. To qualify for the competition, we need a minimum of 250 votes. That’s where we need your support. So Pray and vote! Nspiregreen would use this funding for job creation and to bring new technologies to market in the realm of smart phone applications, sustainable energy sources and advanced transportation solutions.

Follow these steps to help us WIN

  • Go to: click log in and support. (You must have a Facebook account  to vote.
  • Scroll to the bottom of page and enter Nspiregreen in the field that says business name and then click the "Search" button.
  • Click the "Vote" button
  •  Click "Share Vote" on your Facebook and/or Twitter pages for others to vote for Nspiregreen. 

As always we appreciate your support and we look forward to transforming the planet – one community at a time.


Chancee` and Veronica